Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Not To Say

If you have recently lost your job I am sure you have come across people who want to offer some encouragement or kind words. Having been on the receiving end of several of these conversations I have a bit of advice, SHUT UP. There are a million things else to talk about from health care reform to Chris Brown.

I say SHUT UP; with all of the love in the world but if you are employed and haven’t been laid off during a recession you do not know what I am going through. Furthermore if you have not sat and tried to tweak a cover letter 5 times for 5 jobs in one week you don’t know what the job market is like today.

If you happen to run into an old friend who is recently unemployed below are a few things NOT to say.

1. Television stations are laying people off too?
2. It’s for the better anyway, something better will come along.
3. Everything will be ok.
4. Have you looked on X website?
5. Maybe you should do blank in the meantime (Not that its anything wrong with it but I am not becoming a truck driver or working at Wendy’s)

Everyone needs some encouragement now and then, but coming from someone who is gainfully employed the “advice” can get annoying. There are two things you can say if you are at a loss for words:

1.I know Mr. /Mrs. X and they are hiring send me your resume and I will forward it to them.
2.I’m going to happy hour after work; you should come…My treat!

Happy Hump Day

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Writing an "Employment Wanted" Ad

A plumber will never go to a job site without a wrench, and an electrician will never start working without turning off the power. We all know we need certain tools to be successful, yet so many of us go into our job search unprepared or without utilizing all of the tools available today.

Today my friend who is letting me crash at her house picked me up a newspaper so I can skim the jobs section. Although I am in DC the classified section is rather small today and my search didn’t last long. After my quick “paper search” I began looking online at other websites. While searching the Washington City Paper’s website I found something interesting (in addition to free samba classes on Friday that I will try to attend). The paper has a listing for “Employment Wanted” and so I jumped in feet first and wrote an ad in only 40 characters only. It’s below…Tell me what you think or how I can do a better job promoting myself (remember 40 characters only).

“Seeking work in media or in a communications department. Four years experience as a reporter for a competitive news station. I hold a BA in Communications. I am available for work immediately.

Make it a great week!

Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm not sure how to edit video using my flip just yet...So this post is short, I just wanted to see how things work. I promise to post better video later.

The Side Effects of Unemployment May Include...

We’ve all seen the commercials about the side effects of prescription drugs, but did you know that unemployment has side effects as well? I am not talking about brokenness; I am talking about physical pain. Yesterday I experienced two of those physical side effects when I ventured to Capitol Hill to apply for a few jobs.

The first physical sign of unemployment is heat stroke. We’ve all been taught to dress for success, or to dress for the job you want not the job you have, but this can be difficult when it’s 99 degrees outside and the humidity is at 87%. If you have been to DC you know there is no parking so you are forced to walk five blocks in a suit. While you may say, “ just take your jacket off” my answer , while the guys may enjoy me walking around in a camisole trying to find my destination I won’t enjoy my sun burn later and heat stroke later.

But having a heat stroke isn’t the only thing to worry about, all of the “pounding the pavement” is bad for your feet (especially if you are short like me and only own heels). After walking around Capitol Hill yesterday in my very cute BCBG shoes I hate to admit I got a blister on both of my feet (sorry if that grosses you out). Once again you may say “Just wear flip flops” but then you have to consider that flip flips are bad for the feet as well and I am too short to wear flats. Heels give me and many women an extra boost of confidence, and we all need confidence in this job market.

So what is a girl or guy to do in the blazing heat and heels (if you’re in DC it is acceptable for a guy to wear heels)?

The answer…Grin and bear it. When you get to the office and your feet are screaming and you have a pit stain under you arms just act like nothing is wrong. Any future employer will know you just braved the heat for a thirty minute meeting. So just grin and bear it and if they offer you bottled water, take them up on the offer.

Have a great weekend

PS…I lied I didn’t experience two signs of unemployment, but it was hot as HELL I could have had a heat stroke!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Advice from an Unlikely Source

Hey everyone, first I want to apologize for neglecting my blog the last few days. Since I last wrote I have made it safely to DC and I am attempting to get back into DC grove (traffic, and happy hours in all). Everything is going well; I have had the opportunity to catch up with Tiffanie and Amanda and despite not living in the same city for two years our friendship is as strong as when I left. What isn’t as strong is my faith in the decision to pursue another career outside of television reporting. Over the past few weeks I have been going back and forth about whether I should pursue only reporting jobs because in my own words, “If it was going to happen, it would have worked out by now.”

Today I was having that same thought when I went to the career center in DC to print out a few resumes and search for jobs (the career center is free, if you’re not working check one out in your area,a,1233,q,538261,doesNav,%7C32064%7C.asp). While there a guy (who I suspect was on drugs and homeless) began talking to me about my job search. I filled him in on my lay off and why I came to DC to look for a job. He asked me if I had any of my work so I pulled my tape up on YouTube ( and he took a look. Then he said to me, “Girl you got it, that’s what you need to do. Why you applying for these other jobs.” I went on to explain to my new friend how hard the news business is, and how after two years in Lima filled with backstabbing and petty arguments with various coworkers I was no longer sure if television is what I wanted to do. Then he told me, “God is going to work it out. When you got a gift he will work things out for you.” Everyone knows I come for a family of strong Christians and I have heard this from everyone (especially my mom) but to hear it from someone so down on his luck made me rethink my attitude and my .

I have always wanted to be a television reporter and I was so full of energy when I began reporting. That’s why this week, thanks to my homeless best friend I am going to reclaim that enthusiasm energy and go towards my goals with with full steam. Because as my homeless friend told me, “If someone knocks you down and kicks you, you got to get up swinging. "

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Need a new job or keep the one you have....Get a man (or woman)!

Hey guys and girls I finally have some good news to report on the job front. No, I didn’t get a job, but a recent survey has me thinking that maybe I should spend the same amount of time looking for a new boyfriend as I look for my next job. Why should I dedicate more time to my search for Mr. Right?

Well a study released this week by found that, quality time with your mate can lead to the corner office. How can having a significant other help you at work? Dr. Helen Fisher who conducted the study found those compliments your boyfriend or girlfriend gives you can help to boost your confidence... and a confident person makes a confident and productive worker. Don’t believe me-Check out the study is below.


Don't have time to read the entire story...Click on the link to the story

DALLAS, Aug. 13 -- According to research from's chief scientific advisor Dr. Helen Fisher, success in the bedroom could lead to an upper hand in the boardroom. Dr. Fisher, a renowned biological anthropologist, found that increased sexual activity may lead to an improvement in problem-solving, confidence and teamwork.

In addition to being great exercise and a stress reliever, sex triggers the release of a number of valuable brain chemicals," said Dr. Fisher. "From improved problem-solving as a result of heightened dopamine levels, to enhanced teamwork skills due to a flood of oxytocin -- there are a number of positive benefits which can improve performance in the workplace."
The following is a sample of Dr. Fisher's study:

Problem-solving - The dopamine rush one gets from sex is associated with improved creativity, so it's likely that those who have regular sex are more creative at work, resulting in fresh ideas to solve difficult problems.

Teamwork - After sex, men and women receive a boost of oxytocin and vasopressin, the chemicals that generate feelings of trust, attachment and calm. Thus, those who have regular sex are likely to feel more cooperative and agreeable, traits essential to working as a business team.

Confidence - Sex also drives up testosterone, which can give men and women feelings of competence, self-confidence and well-being. In higher doses it can also trigger feelings of competitiveness, which helps boost productivity in the office.
Dr. Fisher's research focused on a sample of 40,000 people on 56 percent were female and the average age of participants was 37 years.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Doesn't He Call?!?!

A week ago I gave this guy “Randy” my number. Ok, for the sake of being honest I also gave him my email address and mailing address (I just wanted to cover all of my bases). We all know how guys like to feel wanted so I gave him numerous compliments and several reasons why we would be perfect together. After giving him all of my information and showering him with compliment Randy still hasn't called me back? L I confess I have Randy’s number (he's quite the player… his number is on a local website) and I can call him, but I know he has an important job and he seems really busy. Plus and I don’t want to be “that girl” that makes the first move.If Randy was any other guy, I’m sure my girlfriends would tell me to forget about him because only a loser would not call me back after a week. Instead my girlfriends are telling me to have some patience and he will eventually call. You’ve probably guessed Randy isn't your average guy, he is a news director, and the waiting game is no fun.

What makes matters worse is not only is he not calling me, I’m afraid to call him. We’ve all seen posts that say “NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE” so I don’t call (or stalk). Everything I read tells me to make myself stand out and make connections with people, but how do I do that without alienating the person I want to hire me.

I think I have found a unique way to solve this job problem. My solution (which may only work for this particular station) “Get a Job Monday”, the station where I applied has a job line on Monday and works with a local government placement agency to find people who are out of work jobs. My plan of action is to attend one of the sessions hosted by the agency on Thursday titled “Survival Strategies During Tough Economic Times!” The woman who will host the session is also the liaison for the program (I checked the stations website). My goal is to make a connection with the speaker and hopefully she can help me get my foot in the door at the station or at least give me the ok to call.

I know it seems like a lot of work for one job but you know what they say, “God helps those who help themselves.” If all else fails I purchased my flip today and will be taking it with me to the seminar so I can post video later this week!


Monday, August 10, 2009

The Upside of Unemployment

Ok, I know I am not supposed to say this out loud…but there is an upside to unemployment. I am not talking about not having to get up every morning and carry around heavy camera equipment; I am talking about being able to exercise every day. I can’t count how many times I would get off of work, and although I packed my gym bag and it was in my trunk I went straight home, cooked dinner then talked on the phone or chatted online until it was time for bed. My excuse was that I was too tired or I simply was ready to go home and chill out, but now that I am not working my job is to find another job and workout every day.

The first thing I did when I moved back home is join a gym. At first I went to this new huge gym in Toledo, but I felt like a total fat girl because of all the skinny mini girls and buff guys (I know I am not fat…before anyone says anything). After using the free membership at the meat market gym, I joined a smaller ladies only gym. I’ve found my body has made the unemployment adjustment and loves it! Before I would automatically wake up for work, now I wake up in time to eat some oatmeal and head to the gym. When working I never got off in time for fitness classes which leads to another benefit of unemployment…I can actually attend classes. Not only does attending classes help my body I actually look forward to working out (because I HATE the treadmill and elliptical). So far my favorite class is Turbokick followed by awesome arms (I am trying to channel my inner Michelle Obama). My only complaint is that I am uncoordinated and whenever I learn a routine, it’s time for the instructor to change the routine. But even the change in routine is an upside because it keeps my body guessing and my mind off the fact that Ohio has a staggering unemployment rate of 11%. If you can’t afford the gym, Check out these links and try at home!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A New Blogging Begining

Today is the beginning of my blog, “Classified: A Reporters Journey.” I was laid off in April after working as a reporter for two years in Lima, Ohio. Like many people the pink sip caused me to me slip into a mini depression and made me question my career goals but I’m getting back on the horse and looking for another job and blogging about it!

I’ve been looking online for tips and will be putting many of them to use during my job search in this touch economic time. I hope that if you know someone in the similar situation you will forward them my blog and maybe we can encourage each other. I’ll keep you posted on how things are going with my blog and video updates. My first order of business is to pack up my car and head to DC. I read online DC is in the top ten places to find work in today’s recession and I’m betting on it!

I’ll keep you posted. Talk to you tomorrow.
