Monday, November 30, 2009

That's What I've been Saying

I've been saying this for weeks, maybe since it's not an official article people will get my drift.

With the national unemployment rate in the double digits, those who are jobless are happy to get anything that cuts a paycheck. However, we should be demanding more than a paycheck from our employers. There is a difference between having a job and a "good job." According to economist Algernon Austin, a good job provides an above-poverty wage, quality health insurance and a retirement plan. Austin recently put out the new Economic Policy Institute report "Getting Good Jobs to America's People of Color," stating that wages should be consistent with proposed new U.S. poverty standards and international comparative standards, which are at 60 percent of the median household income - which computes to an hourly wage of about $14.50, or $30,000 a year.The report shows that only 27.6 percent of Americans had good jobs in 2008. But in 1979, that number was higher -- about 35 percent of the population had "good jobs". When this is broken down by race, the loss in good jobs over the last 30 years have been mostly felt by Latino men, followed by white men. Only white women have seen a gain in good jobs.
And yet when it comes to present-day totals, it is blacks and Latinos who lack good jobs. According to the 2008 survey, 31.5 percent of whites have good jobs, compared with 21.8 percent of blacks and 14.4 percent of Latinos. Even with a college education background, whites still have a slight advantage.I'm not shocked by this all. It never ceases to amaze me that with all the strides that people of color have made since the civil rights movement, including getting a black man in the White House, we are still having this conversation about decent wages with health insurance and retirement security. One can only wonder if America would have been different had Dr. King lived to carry out his Poor People's Campaign, when he expanded his advocacy for racial equality to also include economic justice. Unfortunately, the current economic downturn has only made the quest for employment equality worse. I have many friends and associates struggling to keep their low-wage jobs with no benefits, staying in their near-poverty cycle. As the folks on Capitol Hill discuss bringing jobs back to save the economy, we need to force a discussion on what exactly these jobs should look like.Providing more good jobs is not just the right thing to do from a benevolent perspective, but good jobs are good for a healthy economy. The report not only indicates that employees with proper wages are more likely to get out of poverty, but also that employees with proper health care are better workers, and a good retirement plan allows older employees to retire with dignity. In particular, those with quality health insurance are less likely to have an illness that impairs their ability to work. In addition, a proper retirement plan along with Social Security enables individuals to have a comfortable standard of living without having to continue working well beyond retirement age. If we can't strive to provide all Americans with good jobs, then what does it say about us as a society?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday Tip for the Broke and Fab!

I've officially started my Christmas shopping. If you're on a tight budget like me below are some tips I find online to keep you for breaking the bank!

ATLANTA, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The biggest shopping day of the year is just around the corner and consumers are looking to get more for their money this holiday season. Record unemployment and foreclosure rates and lower than average savings rates will impact spending, and more consumers are planning to use cash this year to avoid adding to credit card debt. (Source: National Retail Federation)
"It is especially critical during these challenging economic times that consumers make wise and well thought out purchasing decisions this holiday season," said Mechel Glass, director of education for Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) of Greater Atlanta.
CCCS of Greater Atlanta encourages consumers to take advantage of sales to make planned purchases, but leave other items on the shelf. "Don't let the thought of getting a 'deal' cloud your judgment," added Glass. "Impulse purchases can create holiday debt that you will pay for well into the New Year and beyond."
CCCS of Greater Atlanta offers tips to help shoppers:
Make a list and stick to it
Having a list of the people you need to buy for and a budget for each person is a great way to make sure you don't overspend. Jot down ideas for each person and use that to help guide you while you shop.
Plan your shopping before you leave the house
Use the newspaper circulars and the internet to plan your shopping trip. If you know exactly where you are going and what you plan to buy while you are there, you are less likely to deviate from your plan. Get an advanced look at Black Friday ads at web sites such as and to help plan your day. Work with friends to cover the early morning specials at many stores. And don't be tempted to overspend simply because things are on sale. Stick to your list.
Shop before the big sales
Avoid the Black Friday mall crowds by shopping a day or two earlier. Many stores will refund the price difference if the item goes on sale within days of purchase. This policy may not apply to all Black Friday specials.
Avoid window shopping
Try not to head to a store without even an idea of what you are planning to buy. You will almost always end up spending more than you planned. If you go to a store for a particular item, get it and leave instead of strolling through all of the aisles.
Leave credit cards at home
Studies have shown that people who use credit cards to buy gifts spend an average of 30 percent more than people who use cash. When you add in all the finance charges over months, or even years, that "perfect gift" could cost you twice what you paid for it, or more. You can't make an impulse buy if you don't have the money with you to do it. Leaving your credit cards at home will require you to take some time to think about it before making a purchase.
Shopping Online? Don't forget about "Cyber Monday"
The Monday after Thanksgiving is expected to be a busy shopping day for online retailers. Online stores may be offering special deals with the hopes of increasing their sales. Visit for regular updates on online deals.
Make sure you are really getting a deal
While there are many opportunities to save money this holiday season, something is not a deal just because the retailers says it is. Do your homework. Research the items you are considering, compare prices at several retailers, and be sure it is a deal before making the purchase.
Compare the price your retailer is offering by using sites such as,, and For information on available rebates on consumer electronics, computer software and hardware, and other items, visit And before you buy anything, look for coupons to save on in-store and online purchases. Sites such as or can help you find deals for dollars off, a percentage off, or free shipping that can add up to hundreds of dollars in savings

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ashley Gives Back

So I have been doing a really crappy job keeping up with my blog and I apologize. Today I am recommitting myself to my blog, because it is fun, and if I learned anything from Sarah Palin during her Oprah interview is that having a journal (hard copy or online) is a great way to look back on your life.
I haven’t been up to much, I back in Ohio. DC wasn’t as successful as I hoped but I’m still optimistic about my job search but I am going to change the way I do things…Don’t ask me how because I’m not really sure yet.
What I am sure of is I am going to be devoting some of my time to helping others. Luckily my mom works at a domestic violence shelter so I don’t have to look too far. My first project is to create a video for the shelter, but I am looking for other activities. I’m going to call it “Ashley Gives Back.” That means if you need a volunteer I’m your girl. I’m looking for one activity a week, if you know anything or an organization in and around Toledo that needs a volunteer let me know (!
PS…People and places have to be open to me video taping, my Flip will be volunteering with me!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should you sacrifice love for work?”

I recently read this article on ( )and the question is simple, “Should you sacrifice love for work?” Simple question…simple answer-NO! I can answer this question without hesitation because I know something about work life balance or the lack there of, and of all things love is the last thing you want to sacrifice for work. The reason I say NO is because when things go bad at work, in life or with friends it’s that special guy or girl who will help you through and hopefully give you some good advice.

Now I worked in Lima for two years and during that time I went on count them TWO dates. I will take some of the blame because I was so focused on doing a good job, and being focused on the next step I didn’t take the time to date or even look. What I learned is being focused or good at your job doesn’t mean things will work out, and when thing go bad it is helpful to have someone around to talk to about the roses and thorns of the day.

Maybe it’s because I am getting older and my friends are getting married but I think we all realize that with proper planning and compromise “having it all” can be obtainable. Yes you can have a job you like and a great guy, take my friend Megan for example. Megan met a great guy at work, dated, and they are now engaged. Had she said dating was off the table until she was in a top ten television, would she be dating loser after loser when what she really needed was already there in front of her? Luckily she won’t have to worry about that because the wedding is in August!

End of story if you like someone and your work schedule suck, pencil that person in he/she may be the best part of your day.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Will Work for Presents

If you’re anything like me you are probably a “Holiday Whore” but short of going all Kwanza on people and making gifts this Christmas I may be looking for work at the local mall. I know it's early to be thinking about Christmas but I figure if QVC is selling prelit trees it's time to get myself into Christmas gear. The good news is that unlike the television news industry, retail may be hiring and that means you can expect a nice Christmas sweater from yours truly.

Don’t believe me-take a look at this press release below!

CHICAGO, Oct. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- The outlook for seasonal hiring in the fourth quarter of 2009 is projected to be similar to 2008, according to a new CareerBuilder survey. Eighteen percent of hiring managers plan to hire seasonal workers to meet business needs associated with the holidays and end-of-the-year wrap-ups, on par with 17 percent in 2008. At the same time, competition for holiday work is heating up. In addition to unemployed workers pursuing seasonal employment, 12 percent of employed workers plan to take on a seasonal job to help make ends meet. The survey, "Seasonal Hiring 2009," was conducted from August 20 to September 9, 2009 and included over 2,900 hiring managers across all industries nationwide.
Popular Seasonal Positions
Seasonal positions may prove to be the break job seekers are looking for as three-in-ten (31 percent) hiring managers indicate they are likely to hire a seasonal worker for a full time position. The most popular positions identified for seasonal recruitment include customer service, retail sales, administrative/clerical, hospitality, shipping/delivery, inventory, technology and accounting/finance. Of those hiring seasonal employees in Q4 2009, 41 percent will hire 1 to 10 employees, 17 percent will hire 11 to 20, 17 percent will hire 21 to 50 and 25 percent will hire more than 50.
Seasonal Pay
While some hiring managers (12 percent) say they plan to increase pay for seasonal workers, 15 percent are planning a decrease. Forty-four percent of hiring managers expect to pay $10 or more per hour and 12 percent expect to pay $16 or more per hour. Thirty-four percent of hiring managers plan to pay between $8 and $10 per hour and 20 percent expect to pay between $6 and $8.
"Competition for seasonal positions will be intense as the job market is flooded with qualified candidates vying for a smaller number of open positions," said Brent Rasmussen, President of CareerBuilder North America. "Employers tell us they are accepting the majority of their seasonal applications during October and November, meaning job seekers need to identify and apply for those opportunities now."
Rasmussen recommends the following tips for those seeking seasonal employment:
Start applying early - Seventy-seven percent of hiring managers do not plan to accept applications for seasonal workers beyond November. Especially in a competitive job market, getting your resume in early will help your chances of securing a position.
Do your homework - Nearly a quarter (24 percent) of hiring managers say that having no knowledge of the company or products deterred them from hiring a seasonal candidate in the past. Check out the company's Web site before the interview and familiarize yourself with products, services, press announcements, etc so the hiring manager knows you're serious about the opportunity.
Show enthusiasm -- Nearly half (48 percent) of employers say they were turned off by a candidate who lacked enthusiasm during their interview. Convey that you're excited about the opportunity to contribute to the success of the organization and stay away from saying the primary reason you want the position is for the employee discount.
Dress the part -- If you are interviewing for a job in a retail clothing store, it's a good idea to show up dressed in an outfit from that store. One-in-ten (11 percent) hiring managers said candidates who interviewed for a job in a competitor's ensemble were ultimately not considered for the open position.
Be flexible regarding your schedule - Forty-seven percent of hiring managers said they were turned off by a candidate who refused to work certain hours. Seasonal hours tend to fluctuate; you need to be open and flexible to alternative schedules.

It's a Womans World

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Attention men: if you want to meet women, go to work. For the first time in our labor history, women will soon outnumber men in the workplace. Two factors are responsible for this landmark statistic: not only are more and more women choosing to work, even while having and raising children, but once in the workplace, fewer women are getting laid off than their male counterparts. According to the latest Bureau of Labor statistics, 10.3 percent of adult men are now unemployed, compared to 7.8 percent women.
Are glass ceilings being shattered here? Probably not. The reason for women's stronger hold on jobs is not because their economic contribution is finally being fairly and fully valued. Rather these new statistics reflect the kinds of positions women typically choose: "safe" jobs in sectors that have not been as hard hit by the current recession, namely government, education, and health care. Studies have shown that women are drawn to jobs in these fields because they are friendlier to flex- or part-time arrangements which women often require in order to balance work and families.
To catch up financially, women need to take more risk. Both in their career choices as well as in their investments, women are often too risk averse for their own good. Their fear of loss means they rarely win the race for financial security. And the ground is far from even in this race: because women live longer, they need more financial resources than men. They need to invest for growth both in their portfolios and in their professions.
Here's a risky move with a big potential pay-off for employed women to consider: ask for a raise. Not just at the moment, perhaps, given the current economic storm clouds, but when the weather clears, as it certainly will. The failure of women to ask for more money, or to negotiate for better perks and promotions, is legendary among human resource professionals.
Whether because of nature or nurture, men rarely have the same problem with the ask. They know what they're worth, and don't hesitate to ask for a bit more.
Ladies, you now have the employment numbers at your backs. You're taking charge of the labor force. Now you need to use this advantage to take charge of your financial destiny. Ask for (and expect) more - more money, more flexible schedules, more benefits, more upward mobility. And while you're at it: more stalls in the women's rest rooms. There are now too many of you to be waiting in line.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Paging The Doctor

When I began this blog, I stated that it is my intention to always stay positive. Today I am going back on my word and I must admit, unemployment sucks. Not because my funds are limited but because it sucks when you’re sick and you don’t have any health insurance.

I don’t know if it was being on an airplane or the change in temperature coming from DC to Ohio but I’m sick. At first I thought it was just a normal scratchy throat but then the body aches kicked in. So since I can’t afford to go to the doctor, and I don’t want to be one of those people who go to the emergency room I need your help. What’s the best way to kick a cold and scratchy throat? I’m already on a liquid diet and sitting in bed as I type. But if your grandmother or mother passed along some of those great home remedies I want to hear them.


September employment numbers

According to this link, if you want a job you should be able to find one. I think she may be talking about a job at Taco Bell working the night shift.

We ALL Hope So!

WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today following a meeting at the White House with President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss ways to stimulate job creation:
"Today's meeting with President Obama reaffirmed our top priority as a nation: getting Americans back to work. The President, Leader Reid, and I all agree that we must respond to the urgent need to promote the creation of good jobs, rebuild our workforce, and restore stability to our neighborhoods. Congress stands ready to partner with the White House to keep our economy moving in the right direction and lay the foundation for growth long into the future.
"Our recovery efforts have brought our economy back from the brink. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Cash for Clunkers, and a series of other steps have halted the freefall and have begun put us back on the path to long-term prosperity. The House has passed measures to invest in the clean energy jobs and to extend unemployment benefits to workers hardest hit by the recession.
"We are beginning to see signs that the economy is turning around. But we are committed to take further action on behalf of the millions of Americans out of work or at risk of losing their jobs, their savings and their homes."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Counting My Blessings

It’s not even 7am and I have been up a few hours already. This morning I had to take a short drive to BWI airport (thanks Brandon) to take my friend Amanda to the airport. My dear friend is dealing with a family emergency that I will not discuss because its private family matter, however the past few days talking with her have given me so much perspective on life and what is most important.
Amanda and I have always been comfortable talking about our spirituality (where we are and where we want to be as Christians). In college if I skipped chapel she would always give me her notes and interpretation of the sermon. Over the past few months we’ve shared with each other words of encouragement and for the most part it keeps us both going. However sometimes I get so wrapped up in my Ashley bubble and thinking, “What’s next” I forget I am abundantly blessed already. That’s why today not only will I send a prayer up for my friend Amanda and her family I am going to count my blessings.
My Blessings (Just a few)
· My family
· My friends
· Waking up this morning with a sound mind and able body
· God’s grace
· Education and the tools to be successful
· My health
· “The extras” (not everyone has the internet, a laptop, or even a car)
I keep a journal in addition to this blog and I am going to try to write down three things everyday that I am blessed with. I encourage everyone to make a list today of your blessings. Whether you’re looking for a job or not, keep track of your blessing because I know sometimes it can be easy to complain, but it’s easier to say “God, thank you.”

Friday, September 25, 2009

We Need to Talk...

Today I went online to pay my cell phone bill and to say I was SHOCKED AND APPAULED is an understatement. My typical bill is $54.06 dollars because I NEVER go over my minutes; however, this month my bill is (I hope you’re sitting down) $256 dollars. It seems that I have been talking more than normal during my time away from the daily grind. The looming question is, if all of my friends are working who am I talking to?

The answer isn’t hard to figure out, it is indeed MY FRIENDS. Yes BITCHES it’s ya’ll!

Since I am not working the calls during the day have been coming in on a regular, and because I am a talker of course I answer. Now I will give some of you credit because the calls are sometimes job tips. For instance Grace did call me about a job she saw in her AKA newsletter, the problem is after that job tip I think we talked about working out and our weekly gossip for the next 43 minutes.

Now I enjoy phone time as much as the next girl, but I have to be real with myself and I can’t afford a bill of $256. That means I only have two choices:
A. Don’t answer my phone during the day.
B. Change plans and bite the bullet and pay a little more per month.
As you can guess I am going to have to choose B. I love you guys too much not to hear about how you almost fell asleep in a four hour meeting, or about how I need to look at the Latrian Milton remix, or the “gospel” McDonalds commercial on YouTube.

Here’s the deal if I am making changes this means YOU dear friends are going to have to make a few changes for me as well. What do you need to change you ask? Don’t call me from you work phone! I’m putting everyone on notice…. I’m paying an extra $17 a month to talk to any MOBILE user. I know it’s convenient to call me from your desk phone, because you can act like you are on an important business call but that is costing me money (money I can be spending sending out resume tapes or at happy hour). So next time your coworker emails you a hilarious link and you think I will like it, step away from your cubicle and give me a ring from your cell phone.

If this seems like too much work to walk away from your desk and make a call think of it this way…You’re not supposed to make personal calls at work anyway. I just saved your job and you just saved me some money!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Everyone needs a Hype Man

We all know the purpose of a hype man. In hip hop that person gets the crowd ready to party. At church the hype man is the deacon who shouts in agreement when the pastor is giving the word to the congregation. While we all understand why having hype man in these situations is necessary our lives seem to be a different story. But are our lives so different? Don’t we all need someone who pumps us up and occasionally sings our praises?
I realized that my ultimate hype man or should I say hype woman is my mother, Gayle Traynum (I’m using full names now so there is no confusion). While at a city meeting my mother sat next to a reporter for a local station. After talking to the reporter for a few minutes my mom politely asked if the opening at the station for a reporter had been filled. The reporter told her no and my mom told her about me and all of my great qualities and asked her if she can find my tape in the piles of tapes the station received and just make sure that the news director takes a look at my tape.
I would typically be mortified that my mother would bring me up in this fashion but I am happy for the gesture. We’re taught to be modest and humble but the hype man is unapologetic about your/mine Fabulosity. Plus when someone else says you’re awesome the comment doesn’t seem vain. That’s why I say beginning today EVERYONE should get a hype man, just make sure he or she doesn’t look like Flavor flav!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 Common Job Hunt Dilemmas Solved

By Selena Dehne, JIST Publishing
Overcoming unemployment during a job market drought can present quite the dilemma, all on its own. It can be particularly problematic, however, for job seekers without a college degree or with a questionable work history, for instance. Barriers such as these are all it takes in today's highly competitive job market to screen job seekers out of consideration for a job before they've ever scored an interview.
That's why it's imperative that job seekers be aware of their job hunt barriers and know how to downplay them on their résumé.
"Remember, your résumé is a marketing document in which you select the mix of information that will sell you to your next employer. You're not required to reveal every wrinkle in your background or bend over backwards to make sure a potential employer knows about your areas of weakness. Don't lie, but approach these challenges with creativity and a focus on the employer's needs and interests rather than on any problems you perceive in your own background," says Louise Kursmark, author of "Sales & Marketing Résumés for $100,000 Careers, Third Edition."
To handle common job hunt dilemmas, Kursmark offers the following résumé tips:
Dilemma No. 1: I'm afraid the employer will think you're too old.
Economic woes have prompted many older workers to defer retirement or seek lower-level jobs than the ones they previously held. Job seekers in such situations often worry they'll be screened out immediately because employers will think they're too old for the job. Job seekers who want to avoid broadcasting their age on their résumé should consider Kursmark's following tips:
Eliminate dates of college graduation.
Avoid any dates in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s.
Truncate your experience by leaving off early jobs (disguising perhaps 5 to 15 years).
Provide 10 to 20 years of experience, with dates, and then summarize prior experience under a subheading such as "Experience before 1990" or "Prior Professional Experience."
Dilemma No. 2: I don't have a college degree.
Certainly, a college degree gives job seekers an advantage. It's important to remember, though, that it's not the be-all end-all. The key to overcoming this dilemma is for candidates to emphasize their work history, skills and confidence and downplay their lack of a degree. According to Kursmark, job seekers without a degree may want to
Eliminate the Education section of their résumé altogether.
Head up the section with "Professional Development" or another title that doesn't call attention to an education credential.
Remember that some college is usually viewed more positively than no college. If you've taken some college courses, here are a few options for addressing your education on your résumé*:
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA - Studies in Business and Economics (full-time 3 years)
COLORADO COLLEGE OF MINES - Completed 50% of requirements toward Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut, Quinnipiac College, Hamden, Connecticut - Coursework in Business, Marketing and Economics, 1997 - 2000
Dilemma No. 3: I'm worried employers will suspect I'm a job hopper.
The term "job hopper" describes an individual who has been employed in a series of short-term stints with a handful of employers. Instances of job hopping tend to make employers doubt everything from the candidate's behavior on the job to their ability to make a long-haul commitment to an employer. In today's highly competitive job market, these doubts are all it takes to prompt an employer to reject a job seeker before he or she has ever scored an interview.Kursmark suggests the following tips for presenting a more positive appearance:
Consider eliminating one or more of your jobs, provided that doing so does not leave a gap that will provoke immediate questioning, thereby spotlighting the very thing you want to downplay.
If circumstances beyond your control contributed to your short tenure, consider adding a brief explanation along the lines of "Merger with Megacorp eliminated all regional sales offices in spring 2009" or "Sales unit dissolved when software was discovered to be unready for market." Generally, Kursmark advises against explaining or excusing in a résumé, but says that sometimes brief statements such as these can immediately overcome a negative reaction.
Concentrate on finding job opportunities through networking, where a personal referral can get you in the door and you can then wow the interviewer with your capabilities and provide a rationale for the short tenure of your recent jobs.
Dilemma No. 4: I performed poorly in my last job.
For job seekers who made a complete mess of their last job, or simply weren't in it long enough to make an impact, creating a powerful résumé may seem impossible. To sidestep this dilemma, Kursmark encourages job seekers to skip their excuses and
Try to find one or two success stories, and include them without a great deal of elaboration. For instance: "Only sales representative to secure multiple agreements for the company's primary sales strategy, a 3-month in-store trial" or "Successfully maintained sales volume in a flat industry and market."
Point out what you did accomplish and learn. For instance: "Laid the groundwork for a successful career in real-estate sales through intensive prospecting and community relationship-building." Don't mention that you didn't sell a single piece of property.
Another example: "Developed regional marketing strategy to improve brand recognition and increase market share by 10 percentage points." Kursmark asks, "Why broadcast that your plan was rejected by the senior VP? The accomplishment you're claiming is the development of the plan, a valuable management skill."
Kursmark reminds job seekers that problematic issues may come back to haunt them after the initial résumé screening. "You must be prepared to answer questions about such situations on the first phone screen. Be sure to practice your explanations so that they are concise, nondefensive and as positive as possible," she says.
*Excerpted from "Sales and Marketing Résumés for $100,000 Careers, Third Edition" by Louise Kursmark.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Libraries on Frontline

I wrote about the importance of public libraries with WORKING facilities last week...I wasn't just pouting, people really need them today.

Libraries on Frontline of Connecting Americans With Online Government, Job Resources

My Bad

OMG...I am SOOO sorry, I just realized people have been making comments on my blog. I will respond to everyone in the future. I wasn't ignoring you, I just didn't know anyone besides my family was reading this. Thank you to everyone out in there in the blog world for the words of encouragement!

I promise to do better, now that I know where to look.


Swag Matters

We all know Swag matters...But this new study makes it official. Take a look.

Job-Seekers: Update Your Look Before You Update Your Resume

NEW YORK, Sept. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- In an era when unemployment rates are soaring to near record highs, male job seekers may be more successful if they update their appearance along with their resume. Results from a recent survey of more than 500 HR professionals - commissioned by Gillette [PG] and conducted by Harris Interactive - indicate that 84% of HR professionals agree that well-groomed employees climb the corporate ladder faster than those who are not well-groomed. When it comes to first impressions, ninety percent of HR professionals place more importance on being well-groomed than even a firm handshake.
"How you look has a direct impact on how you feel, your confidence and self-esteem," says Mark Jeffries, business consultant, communications expert and author of the best-selling book, What's up with your handshake? "This is as true for guys actively seeking a job as it is for those who are currently employed and seek a competitive advantage. At the same time, seemingly small details, like a clean shave or a great-fitting - but not necessarily expensive suit - send important visual cues to others about your professionalism and confidence."
Almost two-thirds of HR professionals surveyed believe that a candidate's physical appearance is important in distinguishing them from other job candidates, and more than 90% agree that a candidate who takes the time to be well-groomed projects confidence. On the other hand, when a candidate arrives unkempt for a job interview, HR professionals conclude he shows a lack of professionalism and more than half believe he is not interested in the position. Despite this information, HR professionals still report that nearly one in five employees, on average, is not well-groomed.
A clean-shaven face was identified specifically as a critical grooming cue. HR professionals cited facial stubble as one of the biggest red flags when meeting a job candidate for the first time, while 83% percent said that being clean-shaven is at least somewhat important in making a good first impression. Other major areas of concern for HR professionals include body odor or sweat stains, and wrinkled and inappropriate or ill-fitting clothing.
Jeffries notes that, "Whether you're actively job searching or currently employed, you never know when the next opportunity will present itself. You can run into a potential employer at the gym or on your way to the store, so it's really important to look and feel your best at all times."

Breakfast is served

Brandon was so involved in his job search he forgot he was making pancakes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Positive Attitude...Just what the doctor ordered

Sorry for the delay…I need a new power cord for my laptop so I am out of the loop for the next few days.

But here is what is on my mind today (and maybe for the next few if I don’t get a cord soon)
I was recently speaking with one of my friends about my job search, because she asked even though I have told people I have a strict “don’t ask, I won’t tell policy.” Despite my policy the questions still insist and I told her the truth. That truth is, despite what we see on TV the job market still sucks, and for those in media the market can be even worse. Her response, “Stop being so picky.”

I don’t know if it was the dismissiveness of the comment or the fact that it was insensitive but it really made me mad for a few reasons. First because when people share their problems with me I try to give words of encouragement and tell the person to keep pursuing their dreams. So why is it that because I am a reporter I should give up on mine. Secondly because I’ve been applying for EVERYTHING under the sun so I am not being picky. Lastly I did not ask for any advice, I was simply answering the question, “How is your job search going.”

I shared with my friend Brandon how the comment rubbed me the wrong way. Brandon who is very rational offered me some great advice I think is important to share. He told me in a few words, “Friends are in your life for a reason and a season, and when times are tough surround yourself with positive people because those are the people who will keep you going.”

Brandon is totally right. Since losing my job I have found out who my real friends from small and large outpourings of support. That’s why today I am taking that advice and saying goodbye to the Frenemies who wish me well, but then offer a backhanded advice. Because at the end of the day it is the positive people who will lift ones spirits. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through whether it looking for a new job or new boyfriend positivity is infectious and that’s just what the doctor ordered.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Ten Commandments for the career center

As you know I like to go to the public career center to look for jobs. It gets me out the house and makes me talk to people because everyone’s unemployment story is interesting. However after witnessing some VERY inappropriate behavior, I have come up with the Ten Commandments for career center interaction.
1. Stop chewing your gum so loud….It’s just annoying and you sound like a horse!
2. In connection with number one, don’t bring your Popeye’s (or any food) into the center. No one wants to sit down to a greasy keyboard.
3. Don’t print out more than 5 sheets or paper at one time. No one wants to wait as you print out 100 pages from CareerBuilder
4. Get off of freaking MySpace and facebook! While social media is great for looking for jobs, I highly doubt you are going to find a job on Lil John’s facebook fan page.
5. Cut down on the cologne. I know it’s a recession, but if you can’t afford the good stuff just wear some ax or tag. If you have to shower in your cologne or perfume it’s too much for you and everyone else.
6. Stop looking over my shoulder or reading my screen. I am not reading your resume so don’t read mine (unless you know a news directorJ).
7. Get off the phone. No one cares that, “You got a nice lil mama over in Bethesda and you bout to go see her after you leave the career spot.”
8. Stop annoying the people at the desk with dumb questions. I know we were taught there is no such thing as a dumb question, but since we are able minded adults that that is no longer true. Stop asking, “Do I only get an hour on the computer” the answer is yes…Read the damn sign.
9. We all have problems, but in an effort to keep the environment positive don’t share depressing or irrelevant stories. I mean we are all in need of some good news nowadays, so please don’t tell me about your cousin Tanya’s baby daddy leaving her on the bus with the baby.
10. Don’t call the Whitehouse (this actually happened). Obama may be the homeboy buy I can almost guarantee he will not answer the phone, and the people at the Whitehouse have stuff to do…Like fix the economy so we can all find a job

If we follow these simple guidelines we all can have a positive experience…Good luck job hunting!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stimulus money can't pay for a printer?

When looking for a job today there are a couple of things you need like a good attitude, the internet, and a printer. While these things are important for obvious reasons…A good attitude will keep going when the phone doesn’t ring, the internet to look for jobs and a printer to print your resume. Unfortunately the DC public library system doesn’t seem to agree with my criteria. On my trip today to print out my resume that I was then going to mail to a potential job (yes some places still want a hard copy of my resume) I was told by the librarian, “ The printer doesn’t work and since we are moving into a new building we don’t even have any ink. They aren’t giving us supplies until we move.”

WHAT THE HELL are the administrators thinking? Across the country library use is up as more and more people are in need of help looking for job. To add insult to injury DC can afford ink and a new printer considering the chief
librarian announced in May the distric recieved 1.5 million dollars in Federal stimulus money ( ).

That’s why I did exactly what every taxpayer should do, I wrote a complaint. Here is the districts response.

Thank you for your e-mail. I know that this is a time of transition atyour library. i will hsare this -mail with our Nighborhood Librariesstaff so htat they are aware of yuor concerns.

Best, Bridget Bradley

Can you say spell check? I guess if Bridget can’t figure out how to use spell check, ordering a new printer is out of the question.
I just wanted to update this post with some facts I found online
-- 81 percent of public libraries report there are not enough public Internet computers to meet patron demand some or all of the time; increasingly, libraries are having trouble replacing outdated computer workstations due to cost.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Jobless Rate Jumps to 9.7 Percent

Jobless Rate Jumps to 9.7 Percent

Shared via AddThis

In case you needed another reason to drink this labor day weekend read this article...Enjoy the long weekend!

And remember if you drink...Be responsible!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

And then there were two

Just as the sun began to peak through the blinds my phone rings. To my surprise it is one of my close friends who should be at work (ok it isn't that early in the morning) is calling me. This can only mean two things, either he has a job he thinks I should apply for… or there is something funny I have to watch on YouTube. To my surprise the reason for my early morning call is to tell me that he was laid off the day before. My first response, “Whatever you’re kidding.” Unfortunately the phone call wasn’t a joke and now instead of being the only one without a job… now there are two of us.

Making matters worse is my reaction to the news. While I am sad for anyone who finds themselves in the unemployment line with me, it’s nice to have some company. My dear friend unlike the people at the career center understands what it is like to want to live a Fabulous twenty something life, yet struggle to make those oppressive student loan payments while looking for work. I guess some would say, “Misery loves company” but I choose to see it as having a close "partner in job searching crime" even if our fields are completely different. My new partner is someone who truly understands and is not offering advice from his work email.

Plus my friend needs to use my computer and offers to come over and make breakfast …Who would say no to a homemade breakfast made by an educated black man!

PS...I don't like my friend, before anyone emails me to ask.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Balling on a Budget

Yesterday was a good day. I work up and applied for several jobs online before changing out of my pajamas. When I did finally get up to get dressed I noticed something tragic in the mirror. After months of neglect my eyebrows had turned into large brown caterpillars on my face. They looked like at any moment they were going to spread their wings and fly off of my face, possibly to someone who would take better care of them.

I got to thinking, the last time I went to get my eyebrows done was in July and its now September. Instead of making a call to Celadon my normal spot I, I had to think outside of the box. Being fabulous takes money, but my unemployment check just won’t support my $30 dollar eyebrow (plus $30 for underarm) waxing habit.

So what is an YBF girl to do? The answer is simple you still ball, but do it on a budget!

Luckily I am in a city where it is possible. Yesterday for the low, low price of 32 dollars I got my eyebrows and underarms waxed for only $32 at the Aveda Institute. As most of you already know the Aveda Institute is where Aveda trains its next generation of fabulous hair stylists and estheticians. My student at the Aveda Institute was very nice but very slow (we can’t always have it all). However I will chalk that up to nerves since it was their first night working on real people. Despite her being slow everything came out great and I will go back in the future.
The Aveda institute isn’t the only place where you can BALL OUT without breaking the bank. I’ve listed a couple of ways you can have fun and still look great on an unemployment check.

  • Filene’s Basement-I’m going speed dating on Thursday and found a great Calvin Klein top for only 24.99. You’re only as fabulous as you feel, so if you haven’t treated yourself to something new in a few weeks do on a budget.

  • Happy Hour-Being the Howard girl that I am you know I enjoy going out on the town. But drinks (if you can’t find a gentleman to sponsor you for the evening) can get expensive. That’s why I suggest hitting up Happy Hour. Zengos at Gallery Place has $6 mojitos that are to die for, and I know most spots have great happy hour specials.

  • Free Concerts and Movies-Being unemployed can be depressing if you don’t get out of the house, so step out in your new outfit and hit up a free concert or movie in your area. Here in DC there is free jazz in the sculpture garden on Friday nights and the national harbor shows free movies at night on certain days during the week.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Say Hello To My Metro Friend

Last week after some advice from an unwanted source (a homeless man using myspace at the DC career center) I told everyone to just shut I take it back. As I was waiting on the bus today I struck up a conversation with a guy named Cole. Cole is a Mental Health Advocate and he asked me how I managed to get off of work so early (I still try to dress like a professional on my way to the career center) , when I told him I was looking for work, like everyone else he offered me some advice.

After giving me his advice, he told me I should interview him for "practice" so I can keep my reporting skills up while I am looking for work. He didn't realize my mom bought me a flip and I have been dying to use it.

Take a look at Cole's words of wisdom. They may not be anything you haven't heard, but at least it shows that not everyone on the metro is crazy and everyone living in the city is mean!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Not To Say

If you have recently lost your job I am sure you have come across people who want to offer some encouragement or kind words. Having been on the receiving end of several of these conversations I have a bit of advice, SHUT UP. There are a million things else to talk about from health care reform to Chris Brown.

I say SHUT UP; with all of the love in the world but if you are employed and haven’t been laid off during a recession you do not know what I am going through. Furthermore if you have not sat and tried to tweak a cover letter 5 times for 5 jobs in one week you don’t know what the job market is like today.

If you happen to run into an old friend who is recently unemployed below are a few things NOT to say.

1. Television stations are laying people off too?
2. It’s for the better anyway, something better will come along.
3. Everything will be ok.
4. Have you looked on X website?
5. Maybe you should do blank in the meantime (Not that its anything wrong with it but I am not becoming a truck driver or working at Wendy’s)

Everyone needs some encouragement now and then, but coming from someone who is gainfully employed the “advice” can get annoying. There are two things you can say if you are at a loss for words:

1.I know Mr. /Mrs. X and they are hiring send me your resume and I will forward it to them.
2.I’m going to happy hour after work; you should come…My treat!

Happy Hump Day

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Writing an "Employment Wanted" Ad

A plumber will never go to a job site without a wrench, and an electrician will never start working without turning off the power. We all know we need certain tools to be successful, yet so many of us go into our job search unprepared or without utilizing all of the tools available today.

Today my friend who is letting me crash at her house picked me up a newspaper so I can skim the jobs section. Although I am in DC the classified section is rather small today and my search didn’t last long. After my quick “paper search” I began looking online at other websites. While searching the Washington City Paper’s website I found something interesting (in addition to free samba classes on Friday that I will try to attend). The paper has a listing for “Employment Wanted” and so I jumped in feet first and wrote an ad in only 40 characters only. It’s below…Tell me what you think or how I can do a better job promoting myself (remember 40 characters only).

“Seeking work in media or in a communications department. Four years experience as a reporter for a competitive news station. I hold a BA in Communications. I am available for work immediately.

Make it a great week!

Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm not sure how to edit video using my flip just yet...So this post is short, I just wanted to see how things work. I promise to post better video later.

The Side Effects of Unemployment May Include...

We’ve all seen the commercials about the side effects of prescription drugs, but did you know that unemployment has side effects as well? I am not talking about brokenness; I am talking about physical pain. Yesterday I experienced two of those physical side effects when I ventured to Capitol Hill to apply for a few jobs.

The first physical sign of unemployment is heat stroke. We’ve all been taught to dress for success, or to dress for the job you want not the job you have, but this can be difficult when it’s 99 degrees outside and the humidity is at 87%. If you have been to DC you know there is no parking so you are forced to walk five blocks in a suit. While you may say, “ just take your jacket off” my answer , while the guys may enjoy me walking around in a camisole trying to find my destination I won’t enjoy my sun burn later and heat stroke later.

But having a heat stroke isn’t the only thing to worry about, all of the “pounding the pavement” is bad for your feet (especially if you are short like me and only own heels). After walking around Capitol Hill yesterday in my very cute BCBG shoes I hate to admit I got a blister on both of my feet (sorry if that grosses you out). Once again you may say “Just wear flip flops” but then you have to consider that flip flips are bad for the feet as well and I am too short to wear flats. Heels give me and many women an extra boost of confidence, and we all need confidence in this job market.

So what is a girl or guy to do in the blazing heat and heels (if you’re in DC it is acceptable for a guy to wear heels)?

The answer…Grin and bear it. When you get to the office and your feet are screaming and you have a pit stain under you arms just act like nothing is wrong. Any future employer will know you just braved the heat for a thirty minute meeting. So just grin and bear it and if they offer you bottled water, take them up on the offer.

Have a great weekend

PS…I lied I didn’t experience two signs of unemployment, but it was hot as HELL I could have had a heat stroke!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Advice from an Unlikely Source

Hey everyone, first I want to apologize for neglecting my blog the last few days. Since I last wrote I have made it safely to DC and I am attempting to get back into DC grove (traffic, and happy hours in all). Everything is going well; I have had the opportunity to catch up with Tiffanie and Amanda and despite not living in the same city for two years our friendship is as strong as when I left. What isn’t as strong is my faith in the decision to pursue another career outside of television reporting. Over the past few weeks I have been going back and forth about whether I should pursue only reporting jobs because in my own words, “If it was going to happen, it would have worked out by now.”

Today I was having that same thought when I went to the career center in DC to print out a few resumes and search for jobs (the career center is free, if you’re not working check one out in your area,a,1233,q,538261,doesNav,%7C32064%7C.asp). While there a guy (who I suspect was on drugs and homeless) began talking to me about my job search. I filled him in on my lay off and why I came to DC to look for a job. He asked me if I had any of my work so I pulled my tape up on YouTube ( and he took a look. Then he said to me, “Girl you got it, that’s what you need to do. Why you applying for these other jobs.” I went on to explain to my new friend how hard the news business is, and how after two years in Lima filled with backstabbing and petty arguments with various coworkers I was no longer sure if television is what I wanted to do. Then he told me, “God is going to work it out. When you got a gift he will work things out for you.” Everyone knows I come for a family of strong Christians and I have heard this from everyone (especially my mom) but to hear it from someone so down on his luck made me rethink my attitude and my .

I have always wanted to be a television reporter and I was so full of energy when I began reporting. That’s why this week, thanks to my homeless best friend I am going to reclaim that enthusiasm energy and go towards my goals with with full steam. Because as my homeless friend told me, “If someone knocks you down and kicks you, you got to get up swinging. "

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Need a new job or keep the one you have....Get a man (or woman)!

Hey guys and girls I finally have some good news to report on the job front. No, I didn’t get a job, but a recent survey has me thinking that maybe I should spend the same amount of time looking for a new boyfriend as I look for my next job. Why should I dedicate more time to my search for Mr. Right?

Well a study released this week by found that, quality time with your mate can lead to the corner office. How can having a significant other help you at work? Dr. Helen Fisher who conducted the study found those compliments your boyfriend or girlfriend gives you can help to boost your confidence... and a confident person makes a confident and productive worker. Don’t believe me-Check out the study is below.


Don't have time to read the entire story...Click on the link to the story

DALLAS, Aug. 13 -- According to research from's chief scientific advisor Dr. Helen Fisher, success in the bedroom could lead to an upper hand in the boardroom. Dr. Fisher, a renowned biological anthropologist, found that increased sexual activity may lead to an improvement in problem-solving, confidence and teamwork.

In addition to being great exercise and a stress reliever, sex triggers the release of a number of valuable brain chemicals," said Dr. Fisher. "From improved problem-solving as a result of heightened dopamine levels, to enhanced teamwork skills due to a flood of oxytocin -- there are a number of positive benefits which can improve performance in the workplace."
The following is a sample of Dr. Fisher's study:

Problem-solving - The dopamine rush one gets from sex is associated with improved creativity, so it's likely that those who have regular sex are more creative at work, resulting in fresh ideas to solve difficult problems.

Teamwork - After sex, men and women receive a boost of oxytocin and vasopressin, the chemicals that generate feelings of trust, attachment and calm. Thus, those who have regular sex are likely to feel more cooperative and agreeable, traits essential to working as a business team.

Confidence - Sex also drives up testosterone, which can give men and women feelings of competence, self-confidence and well-being. In higher doses it can also trigger feelings of competitiveness, which helps boost productivity in the office.
Dr. Fisher's research focused on a sample of 40,000 people on 56 percent were female and the average age of participants was 37 years.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Doesn't He Call?!?!

A week ago I gave this guy “Randy” my number. Ok, for the sake of being honest I also gave him my email address and mailing address (I just wanted to cover all of my bases). We all know how guys like to feel wanted so I gave him numerous compliments and several reasons why we would be perfect together. After giving him all of my information and showering him with compliment Randy still hasn't called me back? L I confess I have Randy’s number (he's quite the player… his number is on a local website) and I can call him, but I know he has an important job and he seems really busy. Plus and I don’t want to be “that girl” that makes the first move.If Randy was any other guy, I’m sure my girlfriends would tell me to forget about him because only a loser would not call me back after a week. Instead my girlfriends are telling me to have some patience and he will eventually call. You’ve probably guessed Randy isn't your average guy, he is a news director, and the waiting game is no fun.

What makes matters worse is not only is he not calling me, I’m afraid to call him. We’ve all seen posts that say “NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE” so I don’t call (or stalk). Everything I read tells me to make myself stand out and make connections with people, but how do I do that without alienating the person I want to hire me.

I think I have found a unique way to solve this job problem. My solution (which may only work for this particular station) “Get a Job Monday”, the station where I applied has a job line on Monday and works with a local government placement agency to find people who are out of work jobs. My plan of action is to attend one of the sessions hosted by the agency on Thursday titled “Survival Strategies During Tough Economic Times!” The woman who will host the session is also the liaison for the program (I checked the stations website). My goal is to make a connection with the speaker and hopefully she can help me get my foot in the door at the station or at least give me the ok to call.

I know it seems like a lot of work for one job but you know what they say, “God helps those who help themselves.” If all else fails I purchased my flip today and will be taking it with me to the seminar so I can post video later this week!


Monday, August 10, 2009

The Upside of Unemployment

Ok, I know I am not supposed to say this out loud…but there is an upside to unemployment. I am not talking about not having to get up every morning and carry around heavy camera equipment; I am talking about being able to exercise every day. I can’t count how many times I would get off of work, and although I packed my gym bag and it was in my trunk I went straight home, cooked dinner then talked on the phone or chatted online until it was time for bed. My excuse was that I was too tired or I simply was ready to go home and chill out, but now that I am not working my job is to find another job and workout every day.

The first thing I did when I moved back home is join a gym. At first I went to this new huge gym in Toledo, but I felt like a total fat girl because of all the skinny mini girls and buff guys (I know I am not fat…before anyone says anything). After using the free membership at the meat market gym, I joined a smaller ladies only gym. I’ve found my body has made the unemployment adjustment and loves it! Before I would automatically wake up for work, now I wake up in time to eat some oatmeal and head to the gym. When working I never got off in time for fitness classes which leads to another benefit of unemployment…I can actually attend classes. Not only does attending classes help my body I actually look forward to working out (because I HATE the treadmill and elliptical). So far my favorite class is Turbokick followed by awesome arms (I am trying to channel my inner Michelle Obama). My only complaint is that I am uncoordinated and whenever I learn a routine, it’s time for the instructor to change the routine. But even the change in routine is an upside because it keeps my body guessing and my mind off the fact that Ohio has a staggering unemployment rate of 11%. If you can’t afford the gym, Check out these links and try at home!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A New Blogging Begining

Today is the beginning of my blog, “Classified: A Reporters Journey.” I was laid off in April after working as a reporter for two years in Lima, Ohio. Like many people the pink sip caused me to me slip into a mini depression and made me question my career goals but I’m getting back on the horse and looking for another job and blogging about it!

I’ve been looking online for tips and will be putting many of them to use during my job search in this touch economic time. I hope that if you know someone in the similar situation you will forward them my blog and maybe we can encourage each other. I’ll keep you posted on how things are going with my blog and video updates. My first order of business is to pack up my car and head to DC. I read online DC is in the top ten places to find work in today’s recession and I’m betting on it!

I’ll keep you posted. Talk to you tomorrow.
