A plumber will never go to a job site without a wrench, and an electrician will never start working without turning off the power. We all know we need certain tools to be successful, yet so many of us go into our job search unprepared or without utilizing all of the tools available today.
Today my friend who is letting me crash at her house picked me up a newspaper so I can skim the jobs section. Although I am in DC the classified section is rather small today and my search didn’t last long. After my quick “paper search” I began looking online at other websites. While searching the Washington City Paper’s website I found something interesting (in addition to free samba classes on Friday that I will try to attend). The paper has a listing for “Employment Wanted” and so I jumped in feet first and wrote an ad in only 40 characters only. It’s below…Tell me what you think or how I can do a better job promoting myself (remember 40 characters only).
“Seeking work in media or in a communications department. Four years experience as a reporter for a competitive news station. I hold a BA in Communications. I am available for work immediately. a.traynum@gmail.com”
Make it a great week!
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