I recently read this article on CNN.com ( http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/worklife/10/22/cb.sacrificing.love.for.work/index.html?imw=Y&iref=mpstoryemail )and the question is simple, “Should you sacrifice love for work?” Simple question…simple answer-NO! I can answer this question without hesitation because I know something about work life balance or the lack there of, and of all things love is the last thing you want to sacrifice for work. The reason I say NO is because when things go bad at work, in life or with friends it’s that special guy or girl who will help you through and hopefully give you some good advice.
Now I worked in Lima for two years and during that time I went on count them TWO dates. I will take some of the blame because I was so focused on doing a good job, and being focused on the next step I didn’t take the time to date or even look. What I learned is being focused or good at your job doesn’t mean things will work out, and when thing go bad it is helpful to have someone around to talk to about the roses and thorns of the day.
Maybe it’s because I am getting older and my friends are getting married but I think we all realize that with proper planning and compromise “having it all” can be obtainable. Yes you can have a job you like and a great guy, take my friend Megan for example. Megan met a great guy at work, dated, and they are now engaged. Had she said dating was off the table until she was in a top ten television, would she be dating loser after loser when what she really needed was already there in front of her? Luckily she won’t have to worry about that because the wedding is in August!
End of story if you like someone and your work schedule suck, pencil that person in he/she may be the best part of your day.
Now I worked in Lima for two years and during that time I went on count them TWO dates. I will take some of the blame because I was so focused on doing a good job, and being focused on the next step I didn’t take the time to date or even look. What I learned is being focused or good at your job doesn’t mean things will work out, and when thing go bad it is helpful to have someone around to talk to about the roses and thorns of the day.
Maybe it’s because I am getting older and my friends are getting married but I think we all realize that with proper planning and compromise “having it all” can be obtainable. Yes you can have a job you like and a great guy, take my friend Megan for example. Megan met a great guy at work, dated, and they are now engaged. Had she said dating was off the table until she was in a top ten television, would she be dating loser after loser when what she really needed was already there in front of her? Luckily she won’t have to worry about that because the wedding is in August!
End of story if you like someone and your work schedule suck, pencil that person in he/she may be the best part of your day.
Good advice Ashley. I remember when I was 18 and my grandmother suggested that I was choosing my education over love. Turned out I met my husband at college orientation.