Monday, November 30, 2009

That's What I've been Saying

I've been saying this for weeks, maybe since it's not an official article people will get my drift.

With the national unemployment rate in the double digits, those who are jobless are happy to get anything that cuts a paycheck. However, we should be demanding more than a paycheck from our employers. There is a difference between having a job and a "good job." According to economist Algernon Austin, a good job provides an above-poverty wage, quality health insurance and a retirement plan. Austin recently put out the new Economic Policy Institute report "Getting Good Jobs to America's People of Color," stating that wages should be consistent with proposed new U.S. poverty standards and international comparative standards, which are at 60 percent of the median household income - which computes to an hourly wage of about $14.50, or $30,000 a year.The report shows that only 27.6 percent of Americans had good jobs in 2008. But in 1979, that number was higher -- about 35 percent of the population had "good jobs". When this is broken down by race, the loss in good jobs over the last 30 years have been mostly felt by Latino men, followed by white men. Only white women have seen a gain in good jobs.
And yet when it comes to present-day totals, it is blacks and Latinos who lack good jobs. According to the 2008 survey, 31.5 percent of whites have good jobs, compared with 21.8 percent of blacks and 14.4 percent of Latinos. Even with a college education background, whites still have a slight advantage.I'm not shocked by this all. It never ceases to amaze me that with all the strides that people of color have made since the civil rights movement, including getting a black man in the White House, we are still having this conversation about decent wages with health insurance and retirement security. One can only wonder if America would have been different had Dr. King lived to carry out his Poor People's Campaign, when he expanded his advocacy for racial equality to also include economic justice. Unfortunately, the current economic downturn has only made the quest for employment equality worse. I have many friends and associates struggling to keep their low-wage jobs with no benefits, staying in their near-poverty cycle. As the folks on Capitol Hill discuss bringing jobs back to save the economy, we need to force a discussion on what exactly these jobs should look like.Providing more good jobs is not just the right thing to do from a benevolent perspective, but good jobs are good for a healthy economy. The report not only indicates that employees with proper wages are more likely to get out of poverty, but also that employees with proper health care are better workers, and a good retirement plan allows older employees to retire with dignity. In particular, those with quality health insurance are less likely to have an illness that impairs their ability to work. In addition, a proper retirement plan along with Social Security enables individuals to have a comfortable standard of living without having to continue working well beyond retirement age. If we can't strive to provide all Americans with good jobs, then what does it say about us as a society?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday Tip for the Broke and Fab!

I've officially started my Christmas shopping. If you're on a tight budget like me below are some tips I find online to keep you for breaking the bank!

ATLANTA, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The biggest shopping day of the year is just around the corner and consumers are looking to get more for their money this holiday season. Record unemployment and foreclosure rates and lower than average savings rates will impact spending, and more consumers are planning to use cash this year to avoid adding to credit card debt. (Source: National Retail Federation)
"It is especially critical during these challenging economic times that consumers make wise and well thought out purchasing decisions this holiday season," said Mechel Glass, director of education for Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) of Greater Atlanta.
CCCS of Greater Atlanta encourages consumers to take advantage of sales to make planned purchases, but leave other items on the shelf. "Don't let the thought of getting a 'deal' cloud your judgment," added Glass. "Impulse purchases can create holiday debt that you will pay for well into the New Year and beyond."
CCCS of Greater Atlanta offers tips to help shoppers:
Make a list and stick to it
Having a list of the people you need to buy for and a budget for each person is a great way to make sure you don't overspend. Jot down ideas for each person and use that to help guide you while you shop.
Plan your shopping before you leave the house
Use the newspaper circulars and the internet to plan your shopping trip. If you know exactly where you are going and what you plan to buy while you are there, you are less likely to deviate from your plan. Get an advanced look at Black Friday ads at web sites such as and to help plan your day. Work with friends to cover the early morning specials at many stores. And don't be tempted to overspend simply because things are on sale. Stick to your list.
Shop before the big sales
Avoid the Black Friday mall crowds by shopping a day or two earlier. Many stores will refund the price difference if the item goes on sale within days of purchase. This policy may not apply to all Black Friday specials.
Avoid window shopping
Try not to head to a store without even an idea of what you are planning to buy. You will almost always end up spending more than you planned. If you go to a store for a particular item, get it and leave instead of strolling through all of the aisles.
Leave credit cards at home
Studies have shown that people who use credit cards to buy gifts spend an average of 30 percent more than people who use cash. When you add in all the finance charges over months, or even years, that "perfect gift" could cost you twice what you paid for it, or more. You can't make an impulse buy if you don't have the money with you to do it. Leaving your credit cards at home will require you to take some time to think about it before making a purchase.
Shopping Online? Don't forget about "Cyber Monday"
The Monday after Thanksgiving is expected to be a busy shopping day for online retailers. Online stores may be offering special deals with the hopes of increasing their sales. Visit for regular updates on online deals.
Make sure you are really getting a deal
While there are many opportunities to save money this holiday season, something is not a deal just because the retailers says it is. Do your homework. Research the items you are considering, compare prices at several retailers, and be sure it is a deal before making the purchase.
Compare the price your retailer is offering by using sites such as,, and For information on available rebates on consumer electronics, computer software and hardware, and other items, visit And before you buy anything, look for coupons to save on in-store and online purchases. Sites such as or can help you find deals for dollars off, a percentage off, or free shipping that can add up to hundreds of dollars in savings

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ashley Gives Back

So I have been doing a really crappy job keeping up with my blog and I apologize. Today I am recommitting myself to my blog, because it is fun, and if I learned anything from Sarah Palin during her Oprah interview is that having a journal (hard copy or online) is a great way to look back on your life.
I haven’t been up to much, I back in Ohio. DC wasn’t as successful as I hoped but I’m still optimistic about my job search but I am going to change the way I do things…Don’t ask me how because I’m not really sure yet.
What I am sure of is I am going to be devoting some of my time to helping others. Luckily my mom works at a domestic violence shelter so I don’t have to look too far. My first project is to create a video for the shelter, but I am looking for other activities. I’m going to call it “Ashley Gives Back.” That means if you need a volunteer I’m your girl. I’m looking for one activity a week, if you know anything or an organization in and around Toledo that needs a volunteer let me know (!
PS…People and places have to be open to me video taping, my Flip will be volunteering with me!