Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Counting My Blessings

It’s not even 7am and I have been up a few hours already. This morning I had to take a short drive to BWI airport (thanks Brandon) to take my friend Amanda to the airport. My dear friend is dealing with a family emergency that I will not discuss because its private family matter, however the past few days talking with her have given me so much perspective on life and what is most important.
Amanda and I have always been comfortable talking about our spirituality (where we are and where we want to be as Christians). In college if I skipped chapel she would always give me her notes and interpretation of the sermon. Over the past few months we’ve shared with each other words of encouragement and for the most part it keeps us both going. However sometimes I get so wrapped up in my Ashley bubble and thinking, “What’s next” I forget I am abundantly blessed already. That’s why today not only will I send a prayer up for my friend Amanda and her family I am going to count my blessings.
My Blessings (Just a few)
· My family
· My friends
· Waking up this morning with a sound mind and able body
· God’s grace
· Education and the tools to be successful
· My health
· “The extras” (not everyone has the internet, a laptop, or even a car)
I keep a journal in addition to this blog and I am going to try to write down three things everyday that I am blessed with. I encourage everyone to make a list today of your blessings. Whether you’re looking for a job or not, keep track of your blessing because I know sometimes it can be easy to complain, but it’s easier to say “God, thank you.”

Friday, September 25, 2009

We Need to Talk...

Today I went online to pay my cell phone bill and to say I was SHOCKED AND APPAULED is an understatement. My typical bill is $54.06 dollars because I NEVER go over my minutes; however, this month my bill is (I hope you’re sitting down) $256 dollars. It seems that I have been talking more than normal during my time away from the daily grind. The looming question is, if all of my friends are working who am I talking to?

The answer isn’t hard to figure out, it is indeed MY FRIENDS. Yes BITCHES it’s ya’ll!

Since I am not working the calls during the day have been coming in on a regular, and because I am a talker of course I answer. Now I will give some of you credit because the calls are sometimes job tips. For instance Grace did call me about a job she saw in her AKA newsletter, the problem is after that job tip I think we talked about working out and our weekly gossip for the next 43 minutes.

Now I enjoy phone time as much as the next girl, but I have to be real with myself and I can’t afford a bill of $256. That means I only have two choices:
A. Don’t answer my phone during the day.
B. Change plans and bite the bullet and pay a little more per month.
As you can guess I am going to have to choose B. I love you guys too much not to hear about how you almost fell asleep in a four hour meeting, or about how I need to look at the Latrian Milton remix, or the “gospel” McDonalds commercial on YouTube.

Here’s the deal if I am making changes this means YOU dear friends are going to have to make a few changes for me as well. What do you need to change you ask? Don’t call me from you work phone! I’m putting everyone on notice…. I’m paying an extra $17 a month to talk to any MOBILE user. I know it’s convenient to call me from your desk phone, because you can act like you are on an important business call but that is costing me money (money I can be spending sending out resume tapes or at happy hour). So next time your coworker emails you a hilarious link and you think I will like it, step away from your cubicle and give me a ring from your cell phone.

If this seems like too much work to walk away from your desk and make a call think of it this way…You’re not supposed to make personal calls at work anyway. I just saved your job and you just saved me some money!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Everyone needs a Hype Man

We all know the purpose of a hype man. In hip hop that person gets the crowd ready to party. At church the hype man is the deacon who shouts in agreement when the pastor is giving the word to the congregation. While we all understand why having hype man in these situations is necessary our lives seem to be a different story. But are our lives so different? Don’t we all need someone who pumps us up and occasionally sings our praises?
I realized that my ultimate hype man or should I say hype woman is my mother, Gayle Traynum (I’m using full names now so there is no confusion). While at a city meeting my mother sat next to a reporter for a local station. After talking to the reporter for a few minutes my mom politely asked if the opening at the station for a reporter had been filled. The reporter told her no and my mom told her about me and all of my great qualities and asked her if she can find my tape in the piles of tapes the station received and just make sure that the news director takes a look at my tape.
I would typically be mortified that my mother would bring me up in this fashion but I am happy for the gesture. We’re taught to be modest and humble but the hype man is unapologetic about your/mine Fabulosity. Plus when someone else says you’re awesome the comment doesn’t seem vain. That’s why I say beginning today EVERYONE should get a hype man, just make sure he or she doesn’t look like Flavor flav!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 Common Job Hunt Dilemmas Solved

By Selena Dehne, JIST Publishing
Overcoming unemployment during a job market drought can present quite the dilemma, all on its own. It can be particularly problematic, however, for job seekers without a college degree or with a questionable work history, for instance. Barriers such as these are all it takes in today's highly competitive job market to screen job seekers out of consideration for a job before they've ever scored an interview.
That's why it's imperative that job seekers be aware of their job hunt barriers and know how to downplay them on their résumé.
"Remember, your résumé is a marketing document in which you select the mix of information that will sell you to your next employer. You're not required to reveal every wrinkle in your background or bend over backwards to make sure a potential employer knows about your areas of weakness. Don't lie, but approach these challenges with creativity and a focus on the employer's needs and interests rather than on any problems you perceive in your own background," says Louise Kursmark, author of "Sales & Marketing Résumés for $100,000 Careers, Third Edition."
To handle common job hunt dilemmas, Kursmark offers the following résumé tips:
Dilemma No. 1: I'm afraid the employer will think you're too old.
Economic woes have prompted many older workers to defer retirement or seek lower-level jobs than the ones they previously held. Job seekers in such situations often worry they'll be screened out immediately because employers will think they're too old for the job. Job seekers who want to avoid broadcasting their age on their résumé should consider Kursmark's following tips:
Eliminate dates of college graduation.
Avoid any dates in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s.
Truncate your experience by leaving off early jobs (disguising perhaps 5 to 15 years).
Provide 10 to 20 years of experience, with dates, and then summarize prior experience under a subheading such as "Experience before 1990" or "Prior Professional Experience."
Dilemma No. 2: I don't have a college degree.
Certainly, a college degree gives job seekers an advantage. It's important to remember, though, that it's not the be-all end-all. The key to overcoming this dilemma is for candidates to emphasize their work history, skills and confidence and downplay their lack of a degree. According to Kursmark, job seekers without a degree may want to
Eliminate the Education section of their résumé altogether.
Head up the section with "Professional Development" or another title that doesn't call attention to an education credential.
Remember that some college is usually viewed more positively than no college. If you've taken some college courses, here are a few options for addressing your education on your résumé*:
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA - Studies in Business and Economics (full-time 3 years)
COLORADO COLLEGE OF MINES - Completed 50% of requirements toward Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut, Quinnipiac College, Hamden, Connecticut - Coursework in Business, Marketing and Economics, 1997 - 2000
Dilemma No. 3: I'm worried employers will suspect I'm a job hopper.
The term "job hopper" describes an individual who has been employed in a series of short-term stints with a handful of employers. Instances of job hopping tend to make employers doubt everything from the candidate's behavior on the job to their ability to make a long-haul commitment to an employer. In today's highly competitive job market, these doubts are all it takes to prompt an employer to reject a job seeker before he or she has ever scored an interview.Kursmark suggests the following tips for presenting a more positive appearance:
Consider eliminating one or more of your jobs, provided that doing so does not leave a gap that will provoke immediate questioning, thereby spotlighting the very thing you want to downplay.
If circumstances beyond your control contributed to your short tenure, consider adding a brief explanation along the lines of "Merger with Megacorp eliminated all regional sales offices in spring 2009" or "Sales unit dissolved when software was discovered to be unready for market." Generally, Kursmark advises against explaining or excusing in a résumé, but says that sometimes brief statements such as these can immediately overcome a negative reaction.
Concentrate on finding job opportunities through networking, where a personal referral can get you in the door and you can then wow the interviewer with your capabilities and provide a rationale for the short tenure of your recent jobs.
Dilemma No. 4: I performed poorly in my last job.
For job seekers who made a complete mess of their last job, or simply weren't in it long enough to make an impact, creating a powerful résumé may seem impossible. To sidestep this dilemma, Kursmark encourages job seekers to skip their excuses and
Try to find one or two success stories, and include them without a great deal of elaboration. For instance: "Only sales representative to secure multiple agreements for the company's primary sales strategy, a 3-month in-store trial" or "Successfully maintained sales volume in a flat industry and market."
Point out what you did accomplish and learn. For instance: "Laid the groundwork for a successful career in real-estate sales through intensive prospecting and community relationship-building." Don't mention that you didn't sell a single piece of property.
Another example: "Developed regional marketing strategy to improve brand recognition and increase market share by 10 percentage points." Kursmark asks, "Why broadcast that your plan was rejected by the senior VP? The accomplishment you're claiming is the development of the plan, a valuable management skill."
Kursmark reminds job seekers that problematic issues may come back to haunt them after the initial résumé screening. "You must be prepared to answer questions about such situations on the first phone screen. Be sure to practice your explanations so that they are concise, nondefensive and as positive as possible," she says.
*Excerpted from "Sales and Marketing Résumés for $100,000 Careers, Third Edition" by Louise Kursmark.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Libraries on Frontline

I wrote about the importance of public libraries with WORKING facilities last week...I wasn't just pouting, people really need them today.

Libraries on Frontline of Connecting Americans With Online Government, Job Resources

My Bad

OMG...I am SOOO sorry, I just realized people have been making comments on my blog. I will respond to everyone in the future. I wasn't ignoring you, I just didn't know anyone besides my family was reading this. Thank you to everyone out in there in the blog world for the words of encouragement!

I promise to do better, now that I know where to look.


Swag Matters

We all know Swag matters...But this new study makes it official. Take a look.

Job-Seekers: Update Your Look Before You Update Your Resume

NEW YORK, Sept. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- In an era when unemployment rates are soaring to near record highs, male job seekers may be more successful if they update their appearance along with their resume. Results from a recent survey of more than 500 HR professionals - commissioned by Gillette [PG] and conducted by Harris Interactive - indicate that 84% of HR professionals agree that well-groomed employees climb the corporate ladder faster than those who are not well-groomed. When it comes to first impressions, ninety percent of HR professionals place more importance on being well-groomed than even a firm handshake.
"How you look has a direct impact on how you feel, your confidence and self-esteem," says Mark Jeffries, business consultant, communications expert and author of the best-selling book, What's up with your handshake? "This is as true for guys actively seeking a job as it is for those who are currently employed and seek a competitive advantage. At the same time, seemingly small details, like a clean shave or a great-fitting - but not necessarily expensive suit - send important visual cues to others about your professionalism and confidence."
Almost two-thirds of HR professionals surveyed believe that a candidate's physical appearance is important in distinguishing them from other job candidates, and more than 90% agree that a candidate who takes the time to be well-groomed projects confidence. On the other hand, when a candidate arrives unkempt for a job interview, HR professionals conclude he shows a lack of professionalism and more than half believe he is not interested in the position. Despite this information, HR professionals still report that nearly one in five employees, on average, is not well-groomed.
A clean-shaven face was identified specifically as a critical grooming cue. HR professionals cited facial stubble as one of the biggest red flags when meeting a job candidate for the first time, while 83% percent said that being clean-shaven is at least somewhat important in making a good first impression. Other major areas of concern for HR professionals include body odor or sweat stains, and wrinkled and inappropriate or ill-fitting clothing.
Jeffries notes that, "Whether you're actively job searching or currently employed, you never know when the next opportunity will present itself. You can run into a potential employer at the gym or on your way to the store, so it's really important to look and feel your best at all times."

Breakfast is served

Brandon was so involved in his job search he forgot he was making pancakes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Positive Attitude...Just what the doctor ordered

Sorry for the delay…I need a new power cord for my laptop so I am out of the loop for the next few days.

But here is what is on my mind today (and maybe for the next few if I don’t get a cord soon)
I was recently speaking with one of my friends about my job search, because she asked even though I have told people I have a strict “don’t ask, I won’t tell policy.” Despite my policy the questions still insist and I told her the truth. That truth is, despite what we see on TV the job market still sucks, and for those in media the market can be even worse. Her response, “Stop being so picky.”

I don’t know if it was the dismissiveness of the comment or the fact that it was insensitive but it really made me mad for a few reasons. First because when people share their problems with me I try to give words of encouragement and tell the person to keep pursuing their dreams. So why is it that because I am a reporter I should give up on mine. Secondly because I’ve been applying for EVERYTHING under the sun so I am not being picky. Lastly I did not ask for any advice, I was simply answering the question, “How is your job search going.”

I shared with my friend Brandon how the comment rubbed me the wrong way. Brandon who is very rational offered me some great advice I think is important to share. He told me in a few words, “Friends are in your life for a reason and a season, and when times are tough surround yourself with positive people because those are the people who will keep you going.”

Brandon is totally right. Since losing my job I have found out who my real friends from small and large outpourings of support. That’s why today I am taking that advice and saying goodbye to the Frenemies who wish me well, but then offer a backhanded advice. Because at the end of the day it is the positive people who will lift ones spirits. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through whether it looking for a new job or new boyfriend positivity is infectious and that’s just what the doctor ordered.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Ten Commandments for the career center

As you know I like to go to the public career center to look for jobs. It gets me out the house and makes me talk to people because everyone’s unemployment story is interesting. However after witnessing some VERY inappropriate behavior, I have come up with the Ten Commandments for career center interaction.
1. Stop chewing your gum so loud….It’s just annoying and you sound like a horse!
2. In connection with number one, don’t bring your Popeye’s (or any food) into the center. No one wants to sit down to a greasy keyboard.
3. Don’t print out more than 5 sheets or paper at one time. No one wants to wait as you print out 100 pages from CareerBuilder
4. Get off of freaking MySpace and facebook! While social media is great for looking for jobs, I highly doubt you are going to find a job on Lil John’s facebook fan page.
5. Cut down on the cologne. I know it’s a recession, but if you can’t afford the good stuff just wear some ax or tag. If you have to shower in your cologne or perfume it’s too much for you and everyone else.
6. Stop looking over my shoulder or reading my screen. I am not reading your resume so don’t read mine (unless you know a news directorJ).
7. Get off the phone. No one cares that, “You got a nice lil mama over in Bethesda and you bout to go see her after you leave the career spot.”
8. Stop annoying the people at the desk with dumb questions. I know we were taught there is no such thing as a dumb question, but since we are able minded adults that that is no longer true. Stop asking, “Do I only get an hour on the computer” the answer is yes…Read the damn sign.
9. We all have problems, but in an effort to keep the environment positive don’t share depressing or irrelevant stories. I mean we are all in need of some good news nowadays, so please don’t tell me about your cousin Tanya’s baby daddy leaving her on the bus with the baby.
10. Don’t call the Whitehouse (this actually happened). Obama may be the homeboy buy I can almost guarantee he will not answer the phone, and the people at the Whitehouse have stuff to do…Like fix the economy so we can all find a job

If we follow these simple guidelines we all can have a positive experience…Good luck job hunting!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stimulus money can't pay for a printer?

When looking for a job today there are a couple of things you need like a good attitude, the internet, and a printer. While these things are important for obvious reasons…A good attitude will keep going when the phone doesn’t ring, the internet to look for jobs and a printer to print your resume. Unfortunately the DC public library system doesn’t seem to agree with my criteria. On my trip today to print out my resume that I was then going to mail to a potential job (yes some places still want a hard copy of my resume) I was told by the librarian, “ The printer doesn’t work and since we are moving into a new building we don’t even have any ink. They aren’t giving us supplies until we move.”

WHAT THE HELL are the administrators thinking? Across the country library use is up as more and more people are in need of help looking for job. To add insult to injury DC can afford ink and a new printer considering the chief
librarian announced in May the distric recieved 1.5 million dollars in Federal stimulus money ( ).

That’s why I did exactly what every taxpayer should do, I wrote a complaint. Here is the districts response.

Thank you for your e-mail. I know that this is a time of transition atyour library. i will hsare this -mail with our Nighborhood Librariesstaff so htat they are aware of yuor concerns.

Best, Bridget Bradley

Can you say spell check? I guess if Bridget can’t figure out how to use spell check, ordering a new printer is out of the question.
I just wanted to update this post with some facts I found online
-- 81 percent of public libraries report there are not enough public Internet computers to meet patron demand some or all of the time; increasingly, libraries are having trouble replacing outdated computer workstations due to cost.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Jobless Rate Jumps to 9.7 Percent

Jobless Rate Jumps to 9.7 Percent

Shared via AddThis

In case you needed another reason to drink this labor day weekend read this article...Enjoy the long weekend!

And remember if you drink...Be responsible!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

And then there were two

Just as the sun began to peak through the blinds my phone rings. To my surprise it is one of my close friends who should be at work (ok it isn't that early in the morning) is calling me. This can only mean two things, either he has a job he thinks I should apply for… or there is something funny I have to watch on YouTube. To my surprise the reason for my early morning call is to tell me that he was laid off the day before. My first response, “Whatever you’re kidding.” Unfortunately the phone call wasn’t a joke and now instead of being the only one without a job… now there are two of us.

Making matters worse is my reaction to the news. While I am sad for anyone who finds themselves in the unemployment line with me, it’s nice to have some company. My dear friend unlike the people at the career center understands what it is like to want to live a Fabulous twenty something life, yet struggle to make those oppressive student loan payments while looking for work. I guess some would say, “Misery loves company” but I choose to see it as having a close "partner in job searching crime" even if our fields are completely different. My new partner is someone who truly understands and is not offering advice from his work email.

Plus my friend needs to use my computer and offers to come over and make breakfast …Who would say no to a homemade breakfast made by an educated black man!

PS...I don't like my friend, before anyone emails me to ask.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Balling on a Budget

Yesterday was a good day. I work up and applied for several jobs online before changing out of my pajamas. When I did finally get up to get dressed I noticed something tragic in the mirror. After months of neglect my eyebrows had turned into large brown caterpillars on my face. They looked like at any moment they were going to spread their wings and fly off of my face, possibly to someone who would take better care of them.

I got to thinking, the last time I went to get my eyebrows done was in July and its now September. Instead of making a call to Celadon my normal spot I, I had to think outside of the box. Being fabulous takes money, but my unemployment check just won’t support my $30 dollar eyebrow (plus $30 for underarm) waxing habit.

So what is an YBF girl to do? The answer is simple you still ball, but do it on a budget!

Luckily I am in a city where it is possible. Yesterday for the low, low price of 32 dollars I got my eyebrows and underarms waxed for only $32 at the Aveda Institute. As most of you already know the Aveda Institute is where Aveda trains its next generation of fabulous hair stylists and estheticians. My student at the Aveda Institute was very nice but very slow (we can’t always have it all). However I will chalk that up to nerves since it was their first night working on real people. Despite her being slow everything came out great and I will go back in the future.
The Aveda institute isn’t the only place where you can BALL OUT without breaking the bank. I’ve listed a couple of ways you can have fun and still look great on an unemployment check.

  • Filene’s Basement-I’m going speed dating on Thursday and found a great Calvin Klein top for only 24.99. You’re only as fabulous as you feel, so if you haven’t treated yourself to something new in a few weeks do on a budget.

  • Happy Hour-Being the Howard girl that I am you know I enjoy going out on the town. But drinks (if you can’t find a gentleman to sponsor you for the evening) can get expensive. That’s why I suggest hitting up Happy Hour. Zengos at Gallery Place has $6 mojitos that are to die for, and I know most spots have great happy hour specials.

  • Free Concerts and Movies-Being unemployed can be depressing if you don’t get out of the house, so step out in your new outfit and hit up a free concert or movie in your area. Here in DC there is free jazz in the sculpture garden on Friday nights and the national harbor shows free movies at night on certain days during the week.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Say Hello To My Metro Friend

Last week after some advice from an unwanted source (a homeless man using myspace at the DC career center) I told everyone to just shut I take it back. As I was waiting on the bus today I struck up a conversation with a guy named Cole. Cole is a Mental Health Advocate and he asked me how I managed to get off of work so early (I still try to dress like a professional on my way to the career center) , when I told him I was looking for work, like everyone else he offered me some advice.

After giving me his advice, he told me I should interview him for "practice" so I can keep my reporting skills up while I am looking for work. He didn't realize my mom bought me a flip and I have been dying to use it.

Take a look at Cole's words of wisdom. They may not be anything you haven't heard, but at least it shows that not everyone on the metro is crazy and everyone living in the city is mean!